We are pleased to introduce the newest version of Kublr. Kublr 1.21 delivers major improvements to product functionality, security, reliability, and customization capabilities available to end users, Kubernetes operators, and administrators.

Kublr 1.21 supports the latest versions of Kubernetes: 1.20 is the default, and Kubernetes 1.21 is available as a technical preview. We also continue to support previous Kubernetes versions. Kubernetes Kublr Control Plane may be upgraded without affecting the managed Kubernetes clusters, which you can upgrade later or keep at their current Kubernetes version indefinitely.

One of the new key features of Kublr 1.21 is support for multiple container runtimes. In addition to Docker, Kublr now fully supports ContainerD. This paves the way for migration to future Kubernetes versions that deprecate Docker. Kublr users now have plenty of time to prepare for and test their applications on new Kubernetes versions that do not support Docker.

Major redesign, modernization and improvement of vCloud Director support in Kublr enables enterprise users with infrastructure running in the data centers with vCloud Director management and the data centers themselves to provide a reliable Kubernetes service in these environments. Kublr upgraded vCloud Director API and SDK version level to the recent versions to ensure that Kubernetes can be deployed in data centers with the latest versions of vCloud Director software. Kublr 1.21 also adds and improves infrastructure management capabilities for vCloud Director, enabling users to better manage and operate the network structure and configuration, including org and app networks, edge gateways, NAT and firewall rules, and many more.

Kublr 1.21 provides support for the environments that only have access to public internet via proxy servers. This further expands the range of environments in which Kublr can deploy Kubernetes clusters, satisfying the most security-conscious customers and enterprise IT operations teams

A set of improvements related to security and configurability includes tighter default security rules and improved customization abilities for security rules on AWS and Azure. Together with the improvement in portability, including support for Ubuntu 20.04 CentOS/RHEL 8.4 in UI, these changes continue to support Kublr’s commitment to ease of use, reliability, security, portability, and production readiness of Kubernetes in the enterprise environment.

Kublr is a subsidiary of EastBanc Technologies. Visit Kublr.com for more information.